Monday, February 6, 2012

The 11 Letter Word...

"Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die."
~ author unknown ~

Forgiveness... a big, 11 letter word.

Recently in my life, I came to the strong conclusion that I can't forgive. I know this sounds awful, but I'm inviting you in to see one of the most humbling thoughts I've ever had in my life. There are many reasons why I can't forgive... anger, time (too little or too much has passed), a broken heart, (insert your reason here), excuses, why I as a woman, can't forgive. But, I am learning that the number one reason I can't forgive is because I'm human. I'm simply not God and there is nothing simple about that. I look at Jesus' example on earth. I think about His chosen torture, death, and His three day separation from God as He accepted punishment for the sins of the world. I understand that I can't forgive like Him. He loves me perfectly. For me, forgiveness is like a battlefield! For me, it's all about acknowledging in that moment of honest words that I can't win this war... it's not in me. That is just about when God starts running in to rescue me...

I can see ....
compassion taking ground and forgiveness is not far behind! The battle cry is, "praise God". Send me your whole army! Fight for me! Fill this warrior princess up with as much FORGIVENESS as her armor can possibly hold!!! Make her armor into the finest of steel so nothing but FORGIVENESS can pass through!"

"Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results". James 5:16 NLT

There is freedom found in repentance and forgiveness! They're the best of friends... they work for you and for me, side by side, in our battles! If you are willing to fight through the pain you will find hope on the other side. We will experience healing. The pain still visits with me. But I am purposefully choosing to trust God to hold my pain. I can honestly say, I haven't won my battle... but I do know one thing... God is fighting for me!

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32 NIV

Have you experienced the power of forgiveness in your life?


  1. Awesome wisdom, sister! Thanks for sharing some of your most intimate thoughts and feelings. I know that's not an easy task to do, but we can be filled with gladness that our Savior is able to shine His light on all of our dark spots on our hearts. I love you!

    1. I love you too sister, I'm so thankful for the community of believers that God is providing us with! We get to confess together and find freedom and joy under God's light again!

  2. Without a doubt forgiveness is one of the most daunting commands of Christ, particularly when the one wronged isn't me but one of my daughters. I think this is why God asked us to pray for our enemies. Prayer changes our heart and aligns it with His. Prayer opens the door through which His forgiveness walks.

    1. Yes, Shannon! And I'm inviting God to walk right through that door today! Thank you so much for sharing!

  3. Forgiveness to me is like a missing link in a chain of a bike. If you don't have it you cannot enjoy the journey! I have been forgiven more than I have forgiven. Its a learning process and a choice. Thanks for such raw honesty!

    1. Raw honesty is sometimes what it's all about! :) Thanks my friend!

  4. Hi Amy,

    I agree. Forgiveness is so hard, especially for the ungoing issues or hurts. That 70x7 thing is so hard for me. I too have had to cry out to God for his help in that. I like that I can choose to forgive without feeling it yet (as obedience to God) and then have God change my feelings too. He does!

    Regarding your comment on my site about marriage, yes, isn't God a master psychologist?! At 17 years of marriage, I still have so much to learn, but I am loving it.

    Thanks for the prayers for Thursday. I am eager to get to know these women too.

    Learning with you,
    Jennifer Dougan

    1. Hi Jennifer, 70x7 certainly raises the bar for us... by so much that we have to depend on Christ's forgiveness for us! Wonderful, thanks for sharing Jennifer!
