Friday, December 30, 2011


Hi Ladies, I'm beginning my blog today as something that I want to do in the new year of 2012. I just thought I'd get a little jump start on it because that's just how I am! 2012 is quickly approaching ( in the next 35 hours ) and I am looking forward to opening up this new way of communication between more women in my life. So, here we go girls! I am going to be posting about the new things God shares with me in my life, recommended reading lists, devotionals, my dreams for the new year, and my struggles. I am hoping for this to be an interactive blog ( because I don't need to hear myself talk any more than I already do! ) for any women that want to be in a community of growth together... so, get ready because I will be asking you questions about your life too! WELCOME! - Matthew 18:20 NLT "For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them."


  1. I am the first to comment, but I am currently not a woman. I wish you the best on your new blog. I hope it is a nice way to organize your thoughts and create community through honest, focused testimony.

  2. Amy, you are such an inspiration to me! this is a great blog, I am excited to hear about how God is working! I appreciate your thoughts about the Lord's Prayer, your sister in Christ -Chrissy
